BOD Nomination Notice – 2020

Mississauga Board of Trade
Mississauga Board of Trade


October 1, 2019


Updates on new members, upcoming events, and the latest news.

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MBOT Board of Directors Application

Mississauga Board of Trade’s (MBOT) Nominating Committee is responsible for developing a slate of Directors for election at the Annual General Meeting to ensure that MBOT is governed with excellence and vision from a Board that offers a high and broad talent mix and that represents MBOT’s diverse membership.  The maximum number of members on the Board of Directors is 20 and members are elected for a 3-year term, to a maximum of two terms.    Applications are encouraged from members in the following identified areas:  Life Sciences, Food Service, Aerospace and Manufacturing.  The Board also strives to have gender balance and ethnic diversity and representation from young entrepreneurs and professionals. Preference is given to active members who contribute to committees and support MBOT in various ways. Any members interested in serving on the MBOT Board of Directors are asked to complete the following Board of Directors Application Form, that outlines expectations for Board members, and to submit to the Nominating Committee c/o David Wojcik, President & CEO, by email by Monday, October 14, 2019.

Click here for Board of Directors Application Form.  



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