About Us

Connect | Champion | Advance

About Us

Our mission

Our mission is to connect, champion and advance Mississauga businesses.

Our vision

Our vision is to be the pre-eminent voice for business and trusted champion of economic prosperity in Mississauga.

Chamber Accreditation

“>The Mississauga Board of Trade is an accredited chamber of commerce as evaluated by the Chamber Accreditation Council of Canada (CACC) – the highest national standard of Chamber excellence. To achieve accreditation, Chambers must pass a detailed review by CACC and demonstrate excellence in leadership, governance, and operations.

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Fifteen years ago, the Mississauga Board of Trade was one of the first chambers in Canada to go through the accreditation process and receive their initial accreditation.   This process is reviewed by a panel of chamber peers at the Chamber Accreditation Council of Canada (CACC).  The CACC has a dedicated team of representatives from all levels of the chamber network, that oversee the accreditation process. The CACC determines what the core activities of a chamber are and what the requirements under each activity would be for accreditation.


Optimize advocacy and government relations offering to enable business growth and competitiveness.


Advance our value proposition through targeted programs and connecting diverse membership segments.


Be the champion for economic leadership through strategic initiatives and partnerships.


Build financial capacity to drive organizational growth and impact.

Our History

Building the business of Mississauga

The oldest written records on file are minutes of the Executive Meeting held on October 7, 1959, where the members discussed contacting the Canadian Chamber of Commerce to obtain a charter to form the organization.

The original boundaries were: “The Town Line and up to No. 5 Highway – east along No. 5 Highway to Stavebank Road – South on Stavebank Road to Queen Elizabeth Highway – west on Queen Elizabeth Highway to Credit River and follow to Railway Tracks – West from the Railway tracks to west limit of Town of Port Credit – south on that line to the lake.”

On March 22, 1977, approval was given by the Governor General in Council to change the name from the Mississauga Chamber of Commerce to the Mississauga City Board of Trade.


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