Make your R&D dollars go further with funding from Mitacs

Mississauga Board of Trade
Mississauga Board of Trade


February 23, 2016


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Teri Kirk_Metro (2)By Teri Kirk

Is your business gearing up for an R&D project? Then you will be interested in learning about two funding programs offered by Mitacs, a national nonprofit organization that delivers research and training programs.

mitacsMitacs Elevate

  • The Mitacs Elevate Program can help your business find and support high-quality PhDs who can dedicate themselves to a long-term R&D project.
  • Mitacs Elevate is a two-year training program for postdoctoral fellows, in which participants lead and undertake an industrially-relevant research project.
  • Mitacs Elevate is an attractive option for organizations seeking a recognized program to help them develop their R&D management capacity in-house with a minimal impact on their budgets.
  • The applicant company provides $30k and Mitacs provides $20k, for a total research stipend/salary of at least $50k per year.
  • Eligible applicants include for-profit and crown corporations receiving no more than 50% of their revenues from government sources, as well as nonprofits.
  • Applicant organizations must be Canadian or a Canadian location of a foreign-owned organization.
  • They should be end-users of the research and must have an office or site in the same province as the fellow’s university, where the fellow undertakes at least 50% of the fellowship.
  • The deadline to apply to Mitacs Elevate is March 23 at 5 p.m. PDT.

mitacs accelerateMitacs Accelerate

  • The Mitacs Accelerate Program helps match your business with graduate students and postdoctoral fellows to act as interns and apply their specialized expertise to your business-related research challenges.
  • This program is open to Canadian businesses from all industry sectors.
  • Each internship is eligible for up to $7,500 in funding from Mitacs, with the company providing matching funds towards the intern’s stipend.
  • Internships tend last four months, but longer projects are also possible.
  • Interns spend approximately half of the time on-site with your business; the remainder is spent at the university advancing the research under the guidance of a faculty supervisor.
  • Applications for this program are accepted year-round.

More information on these funds and additional programs that support export can be found on

Teri Kirk is Founder and CEO of Funding Portal. You can reach her by email at 

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Mississauga Board of Trade
Mississauga Board of Trade

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