MBOT gives input at pre-budget consultation with Ontario Minister of Finance
By Sheldon Leiba
On January 28, I had the opportunity to represent MBOT at a pre-budget consultation meeting in Mississauga hosted by Ontario Minister of Finance and Mississauga South MPP, Hon. Charles Sousa. Amrit Mangat MPP Mississauga-Brampton South was also in attendance.
Thirty representatives from various leading stakeholder organizations in the community had an opportunity to speak for 3 minutes to present its input and policy priorities. Notable speakers included: Mayor Bonnie Crombie; UTM Principal, Deep Saini; Trillium Health Partners, CEO Michele DiEmanuele; and United Way Peel CEO, Shelley White.
The meeting provided me the opportunity to hand deliver to the Minister a copy of MBOT’s policy priorities document “Mississauga Works”, summarizing top priorities of our members and business community:
• focus on economy, business growth and jobs
• strong fiscal management, reducing provincial debt, strategic investments, and overall value for tax dollars
• keeping taxes for business at a competitive level to stimulate business investment and job creation
• reducing unnecessary red tape and business regulations
• enhanced and better coordination of business supports, programs and services
• addressing infrastructure, transportation and public transit deficit to improve people and goods movement
• developing and connecting talent to labour needs of business
• cooperation, commitment and action from all levels of government to address needs of communities and business across province
MBOT will be making a formal pre-budget submission to the provincial government. The date for release of provincial budget has yet to be announced.
Sheldon Leiba is President and CEO of the Mississauga Board of Trade. He can be reached at SLeiba@mbot.com