What Is Epic Content and How Can It Help Your Content Marketing Efforts?
If it isn’t already, creating and distributing epic content should be part of your online marketing strategy because of the tangible results it can deliver.
Epic content has the potential to grow your business’s online presence by improving search engine ranking, boosting social media reach, and showcasing your subject matter expertise.
What Is Epic Content?
Also called long-form content, it is more thorough and informative than traditional forms of online content such as blogs and newsletters.
Examples of epic content formats are:
- eBooks
- Case studies
- A video series
- Blog posts that are more substantial than normal blogs, typically exceeding 1,000 words
To be considered “epic,” the content must dig deep into a specific – and preferably unique – topic to offer your audience as complete an understanding of the subject matter as possible.
Epic Content Can Improve Search Engine Rankings
Epic content can improve your odds of ranking on the first page of search results, according to a study by serpIQ.
The average length of content that ranks first on SERPs (search engine results pages) for broad, exploratory searches is 2,500 words. As the graph shows, the ranking typically increases as the length of the content increases:
It Is Highly Shareable on Social Media
Long-form content encourages sharing on social media platforms, allowing your messages to reach more members of your target audience.
Buffer provides a good example of epic content’s potential; gathering data about its own blog posts, Buffer found that content between 501 and 1,000 words receives 2,000 shares on average, while content that has more than 2,500 words is shared an average of 6,600 times:
Epic Content Demonstrates Your Subject Matter Expertise
Epic content allows you to demonstrate your industry expertise by providing more context and delving deeper into the topic.
Creating this type of informative content is the best way to build online authority.
The Bottom Line
Epic content has the potential to produce results that will benefit your online marketing efforts – higher search engine rankings, expanding your social media presence and building online authority. This is why you should make epic content part of your online marketing strategy.
Ben Molfetta is the co-founder of Core Online Marketing. He helps small and mid-sized businesses grow by planning, implementing, and executing winning online marketing strategies. Visit coreonlinemarketing.com or email Ben at ben@coreonlinemarketing.com.