City of Mississauga COVID-19 Response Continues: MiWay Fares & Mandatory Masks, Summer Camps, Farmer’s Market & Food Trucks, Temporary Zoning-Bylaw & Virtual Mississauga Pride 2020
Mississauga City Council reviewed and approved initiatives in relation to COVID-19 including: MiWay Fares & Mandatory Masks, Summer Camps, Farmer’s Market & Food Trucks, Temporary Zoning By-law & Virtual Mississauga Pride 2020.
“We are taking steps to safely and responsibly reopen our City in consultation with our Chief Medical Officer of Health,” said Mayor Bonnie Crombie. “We know people are eager to get life back to normal, but we will continue to take a measured and gradual approach to reopening, which will help us reduce our risk of a resurgence and keep our City healthy. Mississauga will rise and shine again; it’s just a matter of time.”
Celebration Square Farmers’ Market and Food Trucks Reopening Plan
Council approved a reopening plan for daily food trucks and the Lions Farmers Market at Celebration Square as outlined in the Corporate Report Celebration Square Farmers’ Market and Food Trucks Reopening Plan.
The reopening plan was developed in consultation with key stakeholders to ensure the safety of residents visiting Celebration Square. Details will be shared on City channels at a later date.
MiWay Fares & Mandatory Face Masks
MiWay staff reported to Council regarding returning to fare collection and mandatory face masks for all passengers and employees. A staff report MiWay – Resumption of Fare Collection and Mandatory Face Masks, indicated that effective:
- June 24, 2020, MiWay will reopen the City Centre Transit Terminal fare booth in advance of the resumption of fare collection.
- July 2, 2020, MiWay will resume fare collection by re-introducing front door boarding, mandating the use of non-medical masks or face coverings by passengers and employees and increasing the loading limit on buses to 50 per cent seated capacity.
On March 21, 2020, in response to COVID-19, MiWay began rear-door only boarding and temporarily provided free transit. Physical distancing on MiWay buses has been encouraged with caution tape on bus seats and restrictions on the numbers of customers allowed to board a bus. MiWay has encouraged customers to wear non-medical masks or face coverings which will become mandatory on MiWay along with a 50 per cent seated load standard on July 2. The MiWay Maintenance team is currently completing installation of bio barriers on buses for mid-June 2020.
Summer Camps Planning
A staff presentation was shared with Council on plans for reopening City-run camps. Details will be shared on City channels at a later date.
Temporary Zoning By-law
Council passed a resolution to schedule a public meeting to address the potential use of a temporary zoning by-law to allow for restaurant patios on public and private property to accommodate additional seating for customers as a result of requirements for social distancing. The meeting date is to be confirmed.
Mississauga Pride 2020
The City is supporting Mississauga Pride 2020 through various activities.
- Virtual flag raising ceremony
- Library activities and social media
Details will be shared on City channels at a later date.