Extension of employer application period for Canada Summer Jobs 2021
Ensuring that young people and Canadian employers have the supports they need to succeed and stay strong is key to driving our communities forward as we begin economic recovery.
Today, the Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion, Carla Qualtrough, announced that the employer application period for the 2021 Canada Summer Jobs program is being extended until February 3, 2021, to allow more employers to apply for funding to hire young people. Not-for-profit organizations and private and public sector employers who have not already applied for funding are encouraged to do so today.
The 2021 Canada Summer Jobs program has an important role to play in supporting employers and young people during these difficult times. The program strives to give young Canadians between the ages of 15 and 30 paid work opportunities so that they can grow professionally and improve their skills in the not-for-profit, small business and public sectors. It also supports the delivery of key community services to Canadians.
For more information on how to apply for funding, please visit Canada.ca/Canada-summer-jobs. Applicants who are approved for funding will be able to hire youth as early as April 2021