Neil Godara – Baylis Answers The COVID – 19 Call To Action – PODCAST
When the Novel Coronavirus was first identified in Wuhan China, it arrived without much attention. Thought to be just another flu by many not familiar with the deadly potential. By the time COVID-19 arrived in Canada, it had ripped through the Asian and European continents. Many say our federal government did not pay close enough attention to the impending wave of disease. BUT, when the call went out to Canadian business to pivot, one company from Mississauga went into action to provide desperately needed respirators to treat the most critically ill. Joining me from Baylis Medical is Neil Godara. Neil has been with Baylis Medical for over 15 years. During this time, he has overseen the development of more than 100 products in the fields of cardiology, spinal surgery, and pain management.
Neil is an active member of the medical devices start-up community, a founding member of the Canadian Medical Manufacturers Association, and a board member for several organizations. Welcome Neil.