
What should I be when I grow up?

By Jan van der Hoop We’re in the thick of it: the time of year when parents and their teenage kids are agonizing over choosing their universities and their majors. For some of us, the question of ‘what to be when I grow up’ never completely goes away, recurring at regular intervals. Sometimes it’s an […]

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The Case For University

By Devin Kreuger  There has been much talk in the news recently about how on average, and for most people, post-secondary education has a high payoff. Specifically, findings from researchers Greenstone & Looney shows that “On average, the benefits of a four-year university degree are equivalent to an investment that returns 15.2% per year.” For

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Let’s Rendezvous to Talk Science

By Devin Kreuger If you happened to be visiting the Central Library on May 9, you may have stumbled upon Science Rendezvous—an annual celebration of all things science. Aimed primarily at children and youth, Science Rendezvous is an “annual festival that takes science out of the lab and onto the street”. With a roster of

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Is there really a skills gap, or is it a communications gap between individuals, industry, education and government?

By Rosa Lokaisingh So we have jobs without people and people without jobs. We have a relatively high national unemployment rate — particularly among youth — that persists as employers complain they just can’t find the labour they need. But what is the real reason? The problem has led to widespread claims of a skills

Is there really a skills gap, or is it a communications gap between individuals, industry, education and government? Read More »

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